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Serving content and webdav from the same website/path

IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008R2 is currently serving content from D:\intranet\*

I was wondering if I can set a Webdav path within this folder structure or I have to create an entirely new site? ie. D:\intranet\webdav vs. D:\webdav

The issue is ports. If I use a new site for the webdav, I have to use another port. I am trying to see if I can keep it on the standard 443 port instead of having to go to another port (ie. 8443).

So far:

  • I have added the webdav user to the folder permissions with read, write and modify
  • I have set folder authentication to basic
  • I have set a webdav authoring rule to the folder, using the webdav user and I have given him all the rights

Message obtained when attempting to connect:

Unassumed PROPFIND response
Status: 200
   at Rei.Fs.Webdav.WebdavFs.InnerGetInfo(Uri target, DepthType depth)
   at Rei.Fs.Webdav.WebdavFs.GetInfoAndEntries(Uri targeturi)
   at Rei.Fs.Webdav.ConnectionTestForm.Check()

In the browser, I get a 401.


  • I ended up using an Apache instance at my disposal and establishing a reverse proxy in front.