I want to generate images consisting of a label and an icon. The label part is going to vary a lot (50-100) while there are about 10 icons. I would like to make the final images in a modular way by splitting the final image in two parts, a label image and an icon image. I will build a service that returns dataURI for the labels while the icon dataURIs will be embedded in the page. Then I would like to combine these two different dataURIs to create a single dataURI representing a combined image.
How can I do this on the client side?
You can create images using your data uris and then draw a new image that includes them using canvas
. Here's a simple example:
var nloaded = 0;
function checkload(event) {
if (nloaded < 2) {
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(image1, 0, 0, 50, 50);
context.drawImage(image2, 50, 50, 100, 100);
var combined = new Image;
combined.src = canvas.toDataURL('data/gif');
var image1 = new Image;
image1.onload = checkload;
var image2 = new Image;
image2.onload = checkload;
canvas {
display: none;
<canvas width=100 height=100></canvas>
Once you have the images loaded from the data URI and combined using the drawImage
commands of the canvas context you can use the canvas to create a new image like:
var combined = new Image;
combined.src = canvas.toDataURL('data/gif');
Unfortunately this won't work in IE8.