I'm trying get unread mails from Gmail by IMAP protocol. I followed this tuto : https://briancaos.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/reading-mails-using-imap-and-mailsystem-net/#comment-4999 , which recieved many good comments. But when I call
MessageCollection messages = mails.SearchParse("UNSEEN");
I got error message "index and length must refer to a location within the string". I just call a simple function, so I don't know what's wrong. For more detail, here is my code snippet:
public class MailRepository
private Imap4Client _client = null;
public MailRepository(string mailServer, int port, bool ssl, string login, string password)
if (ssl)
Client.ConnectSsl(mailServer, port);
Client.Connect(mailServer, port);
Client.Login(login, password);
public IEnumerable<Message> GetAllMails(string mailBox)
return GetMails(mailBox, "ALL").Cast<Message>();
public IEnumerable<Message> GetUnreadMails(string mailBox)
return GetMails(mailBox, "UNSEEN").Cast<Message>();
protected Imap4Client Client
if (_client == null)
_client = new Imap4Client();
return _client;
private MessageCollection GetMails(string mailBox, string searchPhrase)
Mailbox mails = Client.SelectMailbox(mailBox);
MessageCollection messages = mails.SearchParse(searchPhrase);
return messages;
This error may occur when your mails contain non-ASCII characters. As I don't see an easy fix here and MailSystem.NET is no longer supported, I recommend using an alternative library.
Mailkit seems to be a good option. Also look here for further reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23375968