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jQuery Bootgrid Not Working Properly

I could use some help. I have a jQuery Bootgrid on a page that is using ajax. While the data loads properly and the grid is properly rendered. None of the features seem to work properly including the search box, sorting, refresh, etc. Likewise I am getting no javascript errors.

I am referencing the following

  • jquery.bootgrid.min.css
  • jquery.bootgrid.min.js
  • jquery.bootgrid.fa.min.js

My Code is pretty basic


<table id="jobGrid" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
            <th data-column-id="JobNumber" data-identifier="true" data-type="string">Job Number</th>
            <th data-column-id="JobName" data-type="string">Job Name</th>
            <th data-column-id="JobState" data-type="string">Request State</th>
            <th data-column-id="JobStatus" data-type="string">Status</th>
            <th data-column-id="JobRequestor" data-type="string">Requestor</th>
            <th data-column-id="LastModifiedDate" data-type="date" data-order="desc">Last Modified</th>
            <th data-column-id="commands" data-formatter="commands" data-sortable="false">Commands</th>


// Planning Filter
var planningFilter = function () {
    // NOTE: I have multiple types of basic filters. 
    // eg: Planning, Approved, Completed
    var grid = $("#jobGrid").bootgrid({
        ajax: true,
        ajaxSettings: {
            method: "GET",
            cache: false
        url: RestService.GetJobsInPlanningSvr(),
        formatters: {
            "commands": function (column, row) {
                return "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default command-edit\" data-row-id=\"" + row.JobNumber + "\"><span class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;View Details</button>";
    }).on("", function () {
        /* Executes after data is loaded and rendered */
        grid.find(".command-edit").on("click", function (e) {
            alert("You pressed edit on row: " + $(this).data("row-id"));

JSON Result

        {"CustomerID":"88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888","JobNumber":"DMPC-2","JobName":"DMPC-2: Transfer 645 Units to Warehouse","JobState":"Request Draft","JobStatus":"In Planning","JobRequestor":"Jim Halpert","LastModifiedUTS":1439768413,"LastModifiedDate":"8/16/2015"},
        {"CustomerID":"88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888","JobNumber":"DMPC-1","JobName":"DMPC-1: Scranton Chamber of Commerce Delivery","JobState":"Request Draft","JobStatus":"Pending Approval","JobRequestor":"Dwight Schrute","LastModifiedUTS":1440009361,"LastModifiedDate":"8/19/2015"}

And that's basically it... Any reason why none of the features would not be working that you can see... Not: I have not tested pagination but It would not surprise me if this did not work either.

Thanks for your help


  • The problem is, the function was executed before the page elements were fully loaded.

    You can put the function inside $(function() { });


    $(function() {  
      // Planning Filter
      var planningFilter = function () {
          // NOTE: I have multiple types of basic filters. 
          // eg: Planning, Approved, Completed
          var grid = $("#jobGrid").bootgrid({
              ajax: true,
              ajaxSettings: {
                  method: "GET",
                  cache: false
              url: "data.json",
              formatters: {
                  "commands": function (column, row) {
                      return "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default command-edit\" data-row-id=\"" + row.JobNumber + "\"><span class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;View Details</button>";
          }).on("", function () {
              /* Executes after data is loaded and rendered */
              grid.find(".command-edit").on("click", function (e) {
                  alert("You pressed edit on row: " + $(this).data("row-id"));
