I am following the exmaple in the ASM 4.0 manual, in the section which explains the visitor there is an exmaple of copying the class using a code similar to this:
InputStream in=ASMHelloWorld.class.getResourceAsStream("Test.class");
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0);
ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(in);
cr.accept(cw, 0);
byte[] b2 = cw.toByteArray(); // b2 represents the same class as b1
The difference is that in the book they define the input data as byte array but I dont know how to read a class as byte array, instead I used an example I found online to read the class as InputStream.
I save the class using the following code:
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("Test2.class"));
The thing is that when I try to run Test2 I get the following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class Test2
The size of Test.class and Test2.class are the same
In your copy you have Test1.class
file with Test
class name. Generated class must have same name as file name before .class