I am going through some code,plan to adapt it for my research.So header file looks like this
#include <vector>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Core>
class SpectralClustering {
SpectralClustering(Eigen::MatrixXd& data, int numDims);
virtual ~SpectralClustering();
std::vector<std::vector<int> > clusterRotate();
std::vector<std::vector<int> > clusterKmeans(int numClusters);
int getNumClusters();
int mNumDims;
Eigen::MatrixXd mEigenVectors;
int mNumClusters;
Latter in the main code
#include "SpectralClustering.h"
#include <eigen3/Eigen/QR>
SpectralClustering::SpectralClustering(Eigen::MatrixXd& data, int numDims):
So I do not understand why virtual destructor was used in the .h file. From this we can learn that virtual destructors are useful when you can delete an instance of a derived class through a pointer to base class.But I think this is not case with this code.Can someone explain all this?
The reason you would make a destructor virtual is that you plan for that class to be inherited and used polymorphicly. If we had
class Foo {};
class Bar : public Foo {};
Foo * f = new Bar();
delete f; // f's destructor is called here
The destructor for Foo
would be called and no members of the Bar
part of the object would be destroyed. If Foo
had a virtual destructor then a vtable lookup would happen the the Bar
destructor would be called instead correctly destroying the object.