I have a Socket handler in Vert.x and I know how to send data through the EventBus in a client-to-server (from Web Browser to Web Server) and server-component-to-server-component fashions.
Now I have a JavaFX-Client connected to the Vert.x Socket handler through websockets:
public void start() {
.connectWebsocket("/chat/service", new Handler<WebSocket>() {
public void handle(WebSocket websocket) {
ws = websocket;
websocket.dataHandler(new Handler<Buffer>() {
public void handle(Buffer data) {
System.out.println("Received Data");
// use ws for authentification
The Socket is connected to "/chat/service".
Now I want to use this Websocket to call different Services from Vert.x. I know that EventBus is not working from JavaFX-Client.
On the server:
ws.dataHandler(new Handler<Buffer>() {
public void handle(final Buffer data) {
String text = data.toString();
// ...
I can now send "commands" like doAuthentification through the WebSocket, then, on server side and when that command is received, I can use the EventBus to process it further.
What would be the correct way using it from a client. Ideas?
Since you application is packaged as a standalone application is not deployed as in a Vert.x instance, you won't be able to call the event-bus since it is a Vert.x specific feature.
Your method to go would be, as you already tyried, to communicate to your Vert.x application in a standard way, through socket, or http for example (I would recommend HTTP and a RESTful application style), and send messages through an entry point that will be later on transferred to the appropriate verticles.
You may need to configure many path based handlers, maybe using a regex capture group inside, and let each handler choose the appropriate schema to delegate events, instead of having a single handler based on hardcoded messages.