I am writing a simple instant messaging client in c. It's currently working well, however if a user is typing and receives a message while typing, the message displays AFTER the text, then the user continues on the line below. It would look like this:
USER: I am trying to ty...FRIEND: Hello
pe a message. <--- (the end of the users message)
My idea is:
Somehow force the current data from stdin and load it into a buffer, then use a \r before printing FRIEND: to erase what is on the line, then print from the buffer. Does anyone have any concrete examples of how to accomplish this task?
The final result should be
USER: I am trying to type a message
The user started typing the message, received a message, the stdin line was shifted downwards, then the user completed their message.
Note: I am running GNOME Terminal 3.6.2 on the newest version of Linux Mint
The usual way to do this is using ncurses (any flavor of curses would work), accepting the input in one window and writing the result to another. Here is a short example:
#include <curses.h>
bool done = FALSE;
WINDOW *input, *output;
char buffer[1024];
input = newwin(1, COLS, LINES - 1, 0);
output = newwin(LINES - 1, COLS, 0, 0);
wmove(output, LINES - 2, 0); /* start at the bottom */
scrollok(output, TRUE);
while (!done) {
mvwprintw(input, 0, 0, "> ");
if (wgetnstr(input, buffer, COLS - 4) != OK) {
waddch(output, '\n'); /* result from wgetnstr has no newline */
waddstr(output, buffer);
done = (*buffer == 4); /* quit on control-D */
return 0;
If you want to learn about VT100 control codes (as distinct from ECMA-48), vt100.net has manuals for some terminals.
Regarding the link VT100 control codes: that is a source of misinformation, as noted in the ncurses FAQ How do I get color with VT100?