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Intercepting aspect for custom annotion

I am writing a library/sdk which can intercept any methods which are annotated with a custom annotation @Monitor. The code works somewhat like this

public void methodA(String test)

And the aspect which intercepts this has this pointcut expression

@After("execution(@com.packageA.Monitor * *(..))")
public void intercept(final JoinPoint joinPoint){

This code works fine when I describe the aspect in the same package as the methodA. However if I create a separate library and define the aspect in that its not able to intercept the methodA . Any help?


In response to @Bond's comment

@Target(value = {ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface Monitor {


Spring versions: spring-context - 4.1.7.Release aspectj - 1.6.5 The crux of the problem is that the annotation wont be used in the same project. After compilation it will be used in a different project all together.


The 2nd project i.e the one from which this aspect should be intercepting is compiled using aspectj maven plugin


  • You need to update the pointcut to @annotation(com.x.y.z.Monitor). (correct the package name accordingly)

    Thus your aspect should look something like below

    public void intercept(final JoinPoint joinPoint){

    Have a look at examples for reference about various pointcut expressions available. Also read this in case advise accepts argument(s)