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Weird performance behavior

So I have this 2 methods which suppose to multiply a 1000 items long array of integers by 2. The first method:

Power(int[] arr)
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
        arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[i];

The second method:

PowerNoLoop(int[] arr)
    int i = 0;
    arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[i];
    arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[i];
    arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[i];
    ............1000 Times........
    arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[i];

Note that I use this code only for performance research and that's why it looks so disgusting.

The surprising result is that Power is faster by almost 50% than PowerNoLoop even though I have checked the decompiled IL source of both of them and the content of the for loop is exactly the same as each line in PowerNoLoop. How can it be?


  • A sample measurement from my machine, running the test 10 times, PowerNoLoop is first:

    00:00:00.0277138 00:00:00.0001553
    00:00:00.0000142 00:00:00.0000057
    00:00:00.0000106 00:00:00.0000053
    00:00:00.0000084 00:00:00.0000053
    00:00:00.0000080 00:00:00.0000053
    00:00:00.0000075 00:00:00.0000053
    00:00:00.0000080 00:00:00.0000057
    00:00:00.0000080 00:00:00.0000053
    00:00:00.0000080 00:00:00.0000053
    00:00:00.0000075 00:00:00.0000053

    Yes, about 50% slower. Notable is the jitter overhead in the first pass through the test, obviously it burns a lot more core trying to get that huge method compiled. Keep in mind that the measurement is vastly different when you don't disable the optimizer, the no-loop version is then ~800% slower.

    First place to always look for an explanation is the generated machine code, you can see it with Debug > Windows > Disassembly. The primary troublespot is the prologue of the PowerNoLoop() method. Looks like this in x86 code:

    067E0048  push        ebp                       ; setup stack frame
    067E0049  mov         ebp,esp  
    067E004B  push        edi                       ; preserve registers
    067E004C  push        esi  
    067E004D  sub         esp,0FA8h                 ; stack frame size = 4008 bytes  
    067E0053  mov         esi,ecx  
    067E0055  lea         edi,[ebp-0ACCh]           ; temp2 variables
    067E005B  mov         ecx,2B1h                  ; initialize 2756 bytes
    067E0060  xor         eax,eax                   ; set them to 0
    067E0062  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi] 

    Note the very large stack size, 4008 bytes. Far too much for a method with only one local variable, it should only require 8 bytes. The extra 4000 of them are temporary variables, I named them temp2. They are initialized to 0 by the rep stos instruction, that takes a while. I can't explain 2756.

    The individual adds are a very plodding affair in the non-optimized code. I'll spare you the machine code dump and write it in equivalent C# code:

    if (i >= arr.Length) goto throwOutOfBoundsException
    var temp1 = arr[i];
    if (i >= arr.Length) goto throwOutOfBoundsException
    var temp2 = temp1 + arr[i];
    if (i >= arr.Length) goto throwOutOfBoundsException
    arr[i] = temp2

    Repeated over and over again, a thousand times total. The temp2 variable is the troublemaker, there's one each for each individual statement. Thus adding 4000 bytes to the stack frame size. If anybody has a guess at 2756 then I'd love to hear it in a comment.

    Having to set them all to 0 before the method can start running is, roughly, what produces the 50% slow-down. There is probably some instruction fetch and decode overhead as well, it can't be isolated easily from the measurement.

    Notable as well is that they are not eliminated when you remove the [MethodImpl] attribute and allow the optimizer to do its job. The method is in fact not optimized at all, surely because it doesn't want to tackle such a large chunk of code.

    Conclusion you should draw is to always leave it up to the jitter optimizer to unroll loops for you. It knows better.