I want to understand this concept and I Multimedia Class and I had a question I missed and it seems I'm missing something. I don't need anyone to do my homework for me, rather, help me understand what I'm missing so I can apply it myself. I think my lack of understanding the concept and seeing it solved differently from online and in class sources. However this is the full question.
My instructors class notes are still too technical for me to get a grasp on it and in the notes it looks like it can be solved using "f(alias)=f(sample)-f(true)
". I don't know how to apply that, because I would apply that as so.
*2 kHz = 12 kHz - True*
// subtract 12 from each side then flip signs
== 10 kHz True
*8 kHz = 12 kHz - True*
== 4 kHz True
*10 kHz= 12 kHz - True*
== 2 kHz True
So I'd get 10kHz, 4kHz, 2kHz
And my guess would be if its under the output of 6 kHz its included? So that would mean 2kHz, and 4kHz are the two tones in the output?
However I had one class mate solved as so
2^8=256 256<10,000 included
2^10=1024 1,024 <10,000 included
2^12=4096 4,096<10,000 included
Where does the 10,000 come from?
And this almost identical problem uses tones at 1, 10, and 21 kHz, still sampled at 12 kHz and solves as so
1 kHz, 12-10=2 kHz, and 2*12-21=3 kHz tones are present
PROBLEM -- There is signal with three components at the following frequencies
equals to 2 kHz
equals to 8 kHz
, and
equals to 10 kHz
The signal is first sampled at 12 kHz (Fs)
and then low-pass filtered at 6 kHz cut-off
What frequencies are present in the processed signal?
APPROACH -- To figure out frequency components of the sampled-and-filtered signal, you need to mirror-fold original frequencies above 6 kHz (i.e. above maximum frequency you can discern due to sampling) around multiples of Fs.
ANSWER -- Therefore,
at original frequency 2 kHz is within 0 to 6 kHz and will thus appears as 2 kHz
at original frequency 8 kHz is above 6 kHz and will thus appears as 4 kHz
(4 = 1*12 - 8), and
at original frequency 10 kHz is above 6 kHz and will thus appears as 2 kHz
(2 = 1*12 - 10).
NOTE -- Just to illustrate, if you had another, fourth component at F4 = 20 kHz, it would appear as 4 kHz (4 = 2*12 - 20).