I'm a bit new to the unsafe side of C# so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious here.
I'm looking through some code using .NET Reflector to understand some implementation of the Oculus Rift implementation into C#, but I'm getting a bunch of errors such as this:
Error CS0030 Cannot convert type 'OVR.ViewScaleDesc' to 'OVR.ViewScaleDesc*'
Error CS0030 Cannot convert type 'OVR.LayerHeader' to 'OVR.LayerHeader*'
in the following method
public unsafe Result SubmitFrame(
uint frameIndex, ref ViewScaleDesc viewScaleDesc, ref LayerHeader layer)
fixed (ViewScaleDesc* descRef = ((ViewScaleDesc*)viewScaleDesc))
fixed (LayerHeader* headerRef = ((LayerHeader*)layer))
IntPtr layerListPtr = new IntPtr((void*)headerRef);
return (Environment.Is64BitProcess ?
base.NativePointer, frameIndex,
new IntPtr((void*)descRef), ref layerListPtr, 1) :
ovrHmd_SubmitFrame32(base.NativePointer, frameIndex,
new IntPtr((void*)descRef),
ref layerListPtr, 1));// get_NativePointer()
Is the reflector giving an incorrect code here or what am I doing wrong?
Just drop the cast. &viewScaleDesc
will work.