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First three values from cell + other cell data VBA Excel

I have two tables, where I need to get data from one to another with VBA. I have a code to import data and put them in column ranges what I need, but I am stuck on formating them:

  1. I need to check if date columns cell is empty and if it is, than put date from other cell

    If IsEmpty(oldtable.Range("L3", "L10").Value) Then

    newtable.Range("J3", "J10").Value = newtable.Rang("E3", "E10").Value

    Else newtable.Range("J3", "J10").Value = oldtable.Rang("L3", "E10").Value

    End if

  2. Need to get first 3 string from number + value from cell in same range

    newtable.Range("O3", "O10").Value = Mid(newtable.Range("M3", "10").Value,1,3)&newtable.Range("N3", "N10").Value

Code is not working for me. Thank you for support!


Dim filter As String
Dim caption As String
Dim file As String
Dim oldtable As Workbook
Dim newtable As Workbook


Set newtable = Application.ActiveWorkbook

filter = "Text files (C:\Excel\file.xlsx),C:\Excel\file.xlsx"
caption = "Please Select an input file "
GREMPG1 = Application.GetOpenFilename(filter, , caption)

oldtable = Application.Workbooks.Open(GREMPG1)

Dim wsheet_new1 As Worksheet
Set wsheet_new1 = newtable.Worksheets(1)
Set wsheet_new2 = newtable.Worksheets(2)

Dim wsheet_old As Worksheet
Set wsheet_old = oldtable.Worksheets(1)

'This is OK
wsheet_new1.Range("C3", "C11").Value = wsheet_new1.Range("C2").Value 

'This is OK
wsheet_new1.Range("D3", "D11").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wsheet_old.Range("E2", "E10"), wsheet_new2.Range("A1:B16").Value, 2, False)

'Empty values stay empty
    If IsEmpty(wsheet_old.Range("L3", "L11").Value) Then
        wsheet_new1.Range("J3", "J11").Value = wsheet_new1.Range("E3", "E11").Value
        wsheet_new1.Range("J3", "J11").Value = wsheet_old.Range("L2", "L10").Value
    End If


End Sub


  • The Help for the IsEmpty function states:

    IsEmpty returns True if the variable is uninitialized, or is explicitly set to Empty; otherwise, it returns False.False is always returned if expression contains more than one variable. IsEmpty only returns meaningful information for variants.

    Because you are passing more than one cell ("L3", "L11") the IsEmpty functions always returns False. The simplest answer is to write a function that takes a Range and tests every cell and returns True/False. Here's the function:

    Private Function RangeIsEmpty(ByRef theRange As Range) As Boolean
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim result As Boolean
        result = True
        For Each cell In theRange.Cells
            If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
                result = False
                Exit For
            End If
        Next cell
        RangeIsEmpty = result
    End Function

    Copy the function into the same module as your code. Then change this line:

    If IsEmpty(wsheet_old.Range("L3", "L11").Value) Then


    If RangeIsEmpty(wsheet_old.Range("L3", "L11").Value) Then