I read in an old qooxdoo note that "qx.util.ColorUtil now accepts rgba values for cssStringToRgb()". This means to me that qoxdoo has the ability to deal with rgba colors in some ways.
But none of the ways I tried to set colors in a theme extending qx.theme.modern.Color
has been parsed by qoxxdoo : throw new Error("Could not parse color: " + temp);
Is it a bug (may I open a ticket?) or is my way of setting color variables bad ?
Thanks for your replies.
qooxdoo's theming system doesn't support rgba since (at least AFAIK) there's no way to implement it for older browsers such as Opera 9.x. You're getting that error because rgba strings aren't considered valid color definitions.
qx.util.ColorUtil.cssStringToRgb only deals with rgba strings in that it returns the color values, stripping the alpha channel value.