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Created copy taking too much free space

I found a problem using robocopy in PowerShell. I used this tool to backup files from one disk (around 220GB) using command:

robocopy $source $destination /s /mt:8

The problem is that created copy took a lot of free space in the destination location (I stopped making backup when it reached around 850GB). Does anyone know why it has happened?


  • May be there're some loops involved. robocopy has

    Ability to skip NTFS junction points which can cause copying failures because of infinite loops

    Try to run with /XJ flag or simply list/log what files are copied to check for loops

    See robocopy help and post about it

    UP For those who faces same problem:

    there were infinite loops which I found using WinDirStat. Mostly it were Application Data/Documments and Settings/Users folders