Is it possible to bind a property of a view model to the title of a segment in UISegmentedControl?
I'm aware of the SetTitle() method, but not sure if it's possible to bind to this in MvvmCross.
Building off of Kiliman's answer to a similar question.
Follow the first 2 steps from that answer. Then create the following custom binding builder.
public class MyTouchBindingBuilder : MvxTouchBindingBuilder
protected override void FillTargetFactories(IMvxTargetBindingFactoryRegistry registry)
base.FillTargetFactories (registry);
registry.RegisterCustomBindingFactory<UISegmentedControl> ("Title", segmentTitle => new MvxSegmentTitleTargetBinding (segmentTitle));
And the following custom target binding.
public class MvxSegmentTitleTargetBinding : MvxConvertingTargetBinding
public MvxSegmentTitleTargetBinding(object target) : base(target)
public override Type TargetType
get {return typeof(MyViewModel);}
protected override void SetValueImpl(object target, object value)
var segmentControl = (UISegmentedControl)target;
MyViewModel myViewModel = (MyViewModel)value;
segmentControl.SetTitle(myViewModel.MyFirstValue, 0);
segmentControl.SetTitle(myViewModel.MySecondValue, 1);
And use it in your view like so.
set.Bind (MySegmentControl).For ("Title").To ((MyViewModel vm) => vm);