How can the return error code be specified on application exit? If this were a VC++ application, I could use the SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
-- return GetLastError()
APIs. Is there a way to do this in C#?
static int Main(string[] args)
Tool.Args = args;
Application.Run(new Download_Tool());
return Tool.ErrorCode;
How can the Tool.ErrorCode
value be set intelligably? If I try something like Tool.ErrorCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
, I get an error, "The name ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED does not exist in the current context." Thanks.
My example is over-simplified. Is there a way to something like this:
return Tool.ErrorCode;
...which generates a compile-error, rather than this:
Tool.ErrorCode = 5;
return Tool.ErrorCode;
...which works, but uses a "magic number." I'd like to avoid the use of magic numbers.
The reason why you get a compile error with "ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED" is because you have not defined it. You need to define it yourself:
const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5;
Then you can use:
Update 2
If you are looking for a ready-made set of winerror.h constants for your C# needs, then here it is:
I would probably modify the GetErrorName(...) method to do some caching though, e.g.:
private static Dictionary<int, string> _FieldLookup;
public static bool TryGetErrorName(int result, out string errorName)
if (_FieldLookup == null)
Dictionary<int, string> tmpLookup = new Dictionary<int, string>();
FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(ResultWin32).GetFields();
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
int errorCode = (int)field.GetValue(null);
tmpLookup.Add(errorCode, field.Name);
_FieldLookup = tmpLookup;
return _FieldLookup.TryGetValue(result, out errorName);