Well, jqgrid in my form work normally when my parameter in get method is short.
But when my parameter is so long
thanks and sorry for my bad english
this is my code:
ajaxGridOptions: { contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8' },
direction: 'rtl',
url: 'Handler/BrnTotal.ashx',
datatype: "local",
colNames: ['blah','blah','blah'],
colModel: ['blah','blah','blah',],
rowNum: 50,
mtype: 'POST',
loadonce: true,
pager: '#jqGridReportPager',
sortname: 'BRName',
viewrecords: false,
pgtext: null,
sortorder: 'desc',
caption: "شعب",
hidegrid: false,
scrollOffset: 0,
autowidth: true,
altRows: true,
altclass: 'myAltRowClass'
jQuery("#jqGridReport").jqGrid('navGrid', '#jqGridReportPager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false });
jQuery("#jqGridReport").jqGrid('filterToolbar', { stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: false, defaultSearch: "cn" });
the grid is empty at first.when user select parameter and submit button,this method will run
branchlist = idsel.join(",");
selectedBrnWork = $('#hiddenField').val();
startDate = $("#txtStartDate").val();
endDate = $("#txtEndDate").val();
$("#jqGridReport").jqGrid('setGridHeight', 'auto');
var newurl = 'Handler/BrnTotal.ashx?startDate=' + startDate + "&endDate=" + endDate + "&brlist=" + branchlist + "&selectedBrnWork=" + selectedBrnWork;
$("#jqGridReport").jqGrid('setGridParam', { url: newurl });
$("#jqGridReport").jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype: 'json' }).trigger('reloadGrid');
This is request header when it works:
POST /Handler/BrnTotal.ashx?startDate=1394/05/26&endDate=1394/05/26&brlist=32,50,61&selectedBrnWork=1 HTTP/1.1
and this is when it doesnt work:
POST /Handler/BrnTotal.ashx?startDate=1394/05/26&endDate=1394/05/26&brlist=32,50,61,73,84,92,103,148,149,160...,...,...,2113,2114,2115,2116,2117,2118,2119,2120,2121,2122,2123,2124,2125,2124,2175,2176,2177,2178,2179,2180,2181,2182,2183&selectedBrnWork=1 HTTP/1.1
I short brlist because it is so long
The problem seems to me independent from jqGrid. If you need to send many (or long) parameters to WebMethod
the you should use HTTP POST instead of HTTP GET, because the parameters of GET request will be appended to the URL. There are limitations of URL size. The exact maximal length of URL depends on the web browser which you use. Safe limit is about 2000 characters (see the answer for example).
Thus I would recommend you to use mtype: "POST"
instead of default mtype: "GET"
used by jqGrid if no mtype
is specified.
UPDATED: You send parameters in the wrong way. The posted code just add parameters startDate
, endDate
, brlist
explicitly to URL. It's wrong. The data should be send in the body of the POST request. You should use postData
parameter of jqGrid for it. I would recommend you to use postData
in function form:
url: 'Handler/BrnTotal.ashx',
datatype: "json",
mtype: 'POST',
postData: {
startDate: function () { return $("#txtStartDate").val(); },
endDate: function () { return $("#txtEndDate").val(); },
brlist: function () {
var idsel = jQuery("#jqGridReport").jqGrid("getGridParam", "selarrrow");
return idsel.join(",");
selectedBrnWork: function () { return $('#hiddenField').val(); }