Is there any way other than using reflection to access the members of a anonymous inner class?
Anonymous inner classes have a type but no name.
You can access fields not defined by the named supertype. However once assigned to a named type variable, the interface is lost.
Obviously, you can access the fields from within the inner class itself. One way of adding code is through an instance initialiser:
final AtomicInteger y = new AtomicInteger();
new Runnable() {
int x;
x = 5;
public void run() {
... blah ...
The value returned by the anonymous inner class expression has the anonymous type, so you have one chance to use it outside of the class itself:
final int y = new Runnable() {
int x;
x = 5;
public void run() {
... blah ...
You can also pass it through a method declared similar to:
<T extends Runnable> T doRun(T runnable);