Sometimes I find myself writing swift 2 code like this:
class Test {
var optionalInt: Int?
var nonOptionalInt: Int = 0
func test() {
if let i = optionalInt {
nonOptionalInt = i
// do more stuff
where the problematic part is this:
if let i = optionalInt {
nonOptionalInt = i
In words: if optionalInt has a value, assign it to the variable nonOptionalInt, else do nothing.
Is there an equivalent way in swift 2 to express this in a elegant single line without adding an intermediate variable with if let i?
after contemplating the first answers...
Obviously there is an equivalent way
if optionalInt != nil {
nonOptionalInt = optionalInt!
Ternary operators ? : are not equivalent as they may trigger a didSet which the original code does not (good if this is a intended side effect)
The most elegant answer so far appears to be
nonOptionalInt = optionalInt ?? nonOptionalInt
it may also trigger a didSet like the ternary operator and therefore is not equivalent (also good if this is intended).
I think my wish to Apple would be something like
nonOptionalInt = optionalInt ??
nonOptionalInt ??= optionalInt
What you are looking for is the nil coalescing operator.
You would use it like so in this case:
nonOptionalInt = optionalInt ?? nonOptionalInt
re: your last edit to your question:
"I think my wish to Apple would be something like nonOptionalInt ??= optionalInt
...why wish when you can build it? :)
I haven't thought about it enough to decide whether I would recommend something like this for the general case, but if it helps in your situation you can create a ??=
operator that does what you ask like this:
infix operator ??= {}
func ??= <T>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T?) -> Void {
guard let value = rhs else { return }
lhs = value
then, to see it in action:
let optionalNil: String? = nil,
optionalValue: String? = "optionalValue",
implicitlyUnwrappedNil: String! = nil,
implicitlyUnwrappedValue: String! = "implicitlyUnwrappedValue"
var a = "a", b = "b", c = "c", d = "d"
a ??= optionalNil // "a"
b ??= optionalValue // "optionalValue"
c ??= implicitlyUnwrappedNil // "c"
d ??= implicitlyUnwrappedValue // "implicitlyUnwrappedValue"
(note that you would add this definition at top-level scope, outside of the definition of any class, struct, or other type)