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Importing MaxMind's GeoLite2 to MySQL

MaxMind's GeoLite2 is a wonderful database and is very useful if you want to map IP addresses to countries.

To do this efficiently, I want to import it into a MySQL database with a scheme like this:


I remember writing an import script for the CSV database long time ago, but the CSV as you can download it today has a very difficult to understand format, at least to me:


I'm really stuck at the basics here. What is the most efficient and easiest way to import the database from its CSV representation into MySQL?


  • It really doesn't seem possible to do this with a simple SQL script, so I've written one in C#. And since importing MySQL databases that are so big is not that simple, I implemented a direct INSERT INTO into the script itself.

    A table structure like the one on the sketch in the question is required for it to work.

    using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    namespace GeoIPConvert
        public static class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                List<Country> countries = File.ReadAllLines("Countries.csv")
                    .Select(line => line.Split(','))
                    .Where(line => line[4] != "" && line[5] != "")
                    .Select((line, index) => new Country
                        ID = Convert.ToInt32(line[0]),
                        DatabaseID = index + 1,
                        Flag = line[4].ToLower(),
                        Name = line[5].Replace("\"", "")
                List<IPRange> ipRanges = File.ReadAllLines("GeoIP.csv")
                    .Select(line => line.Split(','))
                    .Where(line => line[2] != "")
                    .Select(line => new IPRange
                        Country = countries.First(country => country.ID == Convert.ToInt32(line[2])),
                        From = ConvertCidrToRange(line[0]).Item1,
                        To = ConvertCidrToRange(line[0]).Item2,
                //string sql =
                //  "INSERT INTO geoip_countries(Flag, Name) VALUES\r\n" +
                //  string.Join(",\r\n", countries.Select(country => "(\"" + country.Flag + "\", \"" + country.Name + "\")").ToArray()) + "\r\n" +
                //  "INSERT INTO geoip_ipranges(CountryID, `From`, `To`) VALUES\r\n" +
                //  string.Join(",\r\n", ipRanges.Select(iprange => "(\"" + iprange.Country.DatabaseID + "\", \"" + iprange.From + "\", \"" + iprange.To + "\")").ToArray());
                //File.WriteAllText("Import.sql", sql);
                using (MySqlConnection sql = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=test_db;Uid=root;"))
                    foreach (Country country in countries)
                        new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO geoip_countries(Flag, Name) VALUES(\"" + country.Flag + "\", \"" + country.Name + "\")", sql).ExecuteNonQuery();
                    foreach (IPRange ipRange in ipRanges)
                        new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO geoip_ipranges(CountryID, `From`, `To`) VALUES(\"" + ipRange.Country.DatabaseID + "\", \"" + ipRange.From + "\", \"" + ipRange.To + "\")", sql).ExecuteNonQuery();
            private static Tuple<uint, uint> ConvertCidrToRange(string cidr)
                string[] parts = cidr.Split('.', '/');
                uint ipnum = Convert.ToUInt32(parts[0]) << 24 | Convert.ToUInt32(parts[1]) << 16 | Convert.ToUInt32(parts[2]) << 8 | Convert.ToUInt32(parts[3]);
                uint mask = uint.MaxValue << (32 - Convert.ToInt32(parts[4]));
                return Tuple.Create(ipnum & mask, ipnum | (mask ^ uint.MaxValue));
        public class Country
            public int ID { get; set; }
            public int DatabaseID { get; set; }
            public string Flag { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
        public class IPRange
            public Country Country { get; set; }
            public uint From { get; set; }
            public uint To { get; set; }