I've added
"twbs/bootstrap" : "3.3.5",
"components/jquery" : "2.1.4"
to my composer.json file.
I've run composer:update with no problems.
However now it's time to use assetic to create the files and composer used symlinks to install the components and twbs folders.
In the ::base.html.twig I would write something like the following...
{% block stylesheets %}
{% stylesheets filter = 'cssrewrite'
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
{% endstylesheets %}
however the path for the rewrite is not correct because of the symlink installed by composer...
My question: Where did the files actually go? Or is there another syntax to get at the files in twig?
I guess I need this... '%kerner.root_dir%/path/to/the/files'
every thing that you install through composer json goes to vendor folder (outside web folder)
you should check under web/bundles/ folder if you are in a linux or osx OS, if you are under windows, i don't think you'll have symlinks (so probably it's a hard copy each time you make a composer update). anyway. i think you should never use %kernel.root_dir% on twig. in my case one of the bundles i'm using are symlinked under web/bundles to the real folder. as example guzzle :
lrwxrwxrwx 1 odin odin 88 ago 9 13:47 guzzle -> ../../vendor/eightpoints/guzzle-bundle/EightPoints/Bundle/GuzzleBundle/Resources/public/
so probably the path you should be using is:
and instead of using the public folder of app, at least in the documentation recomends adding css, js, and img folder inside web (if you are using them in more than one bundle)