Ive created a comments module for each article and i would like to send the Article._id parameter through the find function so it just returns the comments related to that thread. The comments module has an articleID as part of its collection as a way of identifying the relationship.
Im familiar with Java but Mean.js is new to me and i cant figure out why the variable wont go through.
exports.list = function(req, res, id) {
.where('articleID', id)
.populate('userName', 'details','created','user')
.exec(function(err, comments) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
message: errorHandler.getErrorMessage(err)
} else {
<section data-ng-controller="CommentsController" data-ng-init="find($scope.deal._id)">
I assume that is all you need to see from the view.
If i remove the where clause it returns them all fine but obviously the $scope.deal._id isnt going through as a String like i assumed it was going to.
How do i properly send through a String to the function?
Mongoose and consequently Mongodb, has the following find method signature:
Model.find(query, fields, options, callback)
So in the query parameter you can put objects in order to match with the collection. For example Comment.find({articleID: id_variable})