Let's say I have a file with two lines and I get the indexOf
a substring in the file. It returns with 18
the character that the substring is found at. How can I find the line with this information?
var file = [
'var foo = "hello"',
var char = file.indexOf('console') // => 18
var line = lineOfChar(file, char) // => 2
A possible way to achieve this, is to find the the string like you did with:
var index = file.indexOf('console'); // => 18
Then use this index to make a substring containing everything before that index:
var tempString = str.substring(0, index);
And lastly we count the occurrences of \n
var lineNumber = tempString.split('\n').length;
// You should do - 1 if you want your 'first' line to be 0