I want to write mp3 player app. show music album on notification
Here is the code:
mCoverBitmap = MusicModel.getAlbumArt(musicItem.getUri());
if (mCoverBitmap != null) {
mNormalRemoteViews.setImageViewBitmap(R.id.notification_image, mCoverBitmap);
} else {
mNormalRemoteViews.setImageViewResource(R.id.notification_image, R.drawable.default_album);
but it leads to out of memory after I change a lot of music. So I recycle the mCoverBitmap. But it crashed. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't parcel a recycled bitmap
Then I try to cache the bitmap. And recycle it the next time we need a notification.
mCoverCache = mCoverBitmap;
mCoverBitmap = MusicModel.getAlbumArt(musicItem.getUri());
if (mCoverBitmap != null) {
mNormalRemoteViews.setImageViewBitmap(R.id.notification_image, mCoverBitmap);
} else {
mNormalRemoteViews.setImageViewResource(R.id.notification_image, R.drawable.default_album);
But it leads to the same exception. how to recycle the bitmap?
Re using the same remoteview for your application wil cause the out of memory error. So instead of recycling just recreate the remoteviews. https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/android-developers/qQ4SV5wL7uM