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How to generate a random url safe string with Elixir

I need to be able to generate random url safe strings so I could use those in links (like in an activation link sent to a user's email), so how can I generate it? Is there a way to do that only with Elixir or I'd have to use some library?


  • What you can do instead is to generate a Base64-encoded string to be used as a confirmation token. This confirmation token will then be saved to your DB and passed as params to the activation link. Your activation url would look something like:

    activation_url(MyApp.Endpoint, :confirm, confirm_id: confirm_id)

    The above url helper assumes you have a MyApp.ActivationController and a confirm/2 action in that controller. To generate the confirm_id, you could do:

    def random_string(length) do
      :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(length) |> Base.url_encode64 |> binary_part(0, length)
    # random_string(64)

    In your MyApp.ActivationController.confirm/2, you could have code lik:

    def confirm(conn, %{"confirm_id" => confirm_id}) do
      user = Repo.get_by(User, confirm_id: confirm_id)
      |> put_flash(:info, "Account confirmed!")
      |> redirect(to: "/")