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Add line to .xml using pugixml and C++

I have an XML document that I need to write to using pugixml and Cpp. Part of my XML document looks like this:

line 4                   <people>
line 5                   <guys>
line 6                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 7                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 8                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 9                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 10                  <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 11                  </guys>
line 12                   <guys>
line 13                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 14                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 15                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 16                   <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 17                  <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 18                  </guys>

How would I add another (dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5") line after line 13, moving all the other lines down one in my .xml file?

I am trying....

//get xml object
  pugi::xml_document doc;
//load xml file
//edit file
//save file

But it doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas?


  • Use XPath it becomes much easier and readable without all that child() function calls.

    To insert in the first row moving all other lines bellow use prepend_copy function.

    This works here with your example xml:

    pugi::xml_document doc;
    //load xml file
    pugi::xpath_node nodeToInsert;
    pugi::xpath_node nodeParent;
        nodeToInsert = doc.select_single_node("/people/guys[2]/dude[1]");
        nodeParent = doc.select_single_node("/people/guys[2]");
    catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e)
        cerr << "error " << e.what() << endl;
        return -1;
    nodeParent.node().prepend_copy(nodeToInsert.node()); // insert at the first row
    //save file
    std::cout << "Saving result: " << doc.save_file("output.xml") << std::endl;