I have an XML document that I need to write to using pugixml and Cpp. Part of my XML document looks like this:
line 4 <people>
line 5 <guys>
line 6 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 7 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 8 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 9 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 10 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 11 </guys>
line 12 <guys>
line 13 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 14 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 15 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 16 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 17 <dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5" />
line 18 </guys>
How would I add another (dude name="man" delay="1" life="0.75" score="5") line after line 13, moving all the other lines down one in my .xml file?
I am trying....
//get xml object
pugi::xml_document doc;
//load xml file
//edit file
//save file
But it doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas?
Use XPath it becomes much easier and readable without all that child()
function calls.
To insert in the first row moving all other lines bellow use prepend_copy
This works here with your example xml:
pugi::xml_document doc;
//load xml file
pugi::xpath_node nodeToInsert;
pugi::xpath_node nodeParent;
nodeToInsert = doc.select_single_node("/people/guys[2]/dude[1]");
nodeParent = doc.select_single_node("/people/guys[2]");
catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e)
cerr << "error " << e.what() << endl;
return -1;
nodeParent.node().prepend_copy(nodeToInsert.node()); // insert at the first row
//save file
std::cout << "Saving result: " << doc.save_file("output.xml") << std::endl;