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How to make the library work work?

There has been some concern among my peers in using the name of the current working library as work (an aliased name pointing to the current library) instead of explicitly by name (e.g. mylib).

For example, if you are referencing another design unit in the same library, you could do:

my_inst : entity work.my_design


my_inst : entity mylib.my_design

I feel that using work is more flexible since it is not dependent on what you name the library that the design is compiled into. You could rename mylib to myawesomelib and it would still work.

One clear example that I can think of the advantage of work is if you typically compile design units and testbenches into the same library. In your testbench, then, it would always be safe to reference your UUT (design) through work.

One disadvantage is that the design will stop working if (as in example above) my_design is no longer co-located in the same library; if either my_design or any design that uses my_design through work is separated, the design will be broken and references must be updated.

Are there other significant disadvantages to using work over an explicit library name? In cases of hierarchical use of work is there possible source of confusion for which library is the "current working library"?

For example:

   my_inst1 : entity mylib2.my_design

   my_inst2 : entity work.my_sub_design

When compiling top_design.vhd, is there any confusion about work reference within the included design from mylib2? Or since my_design.vhd has already been compiled into mylib2 there is no confusion?

Footnote: Never name your libraries work.


  • I think this is one of those questions which are interesting because there is no clear answer. It depends. To me this depends on project context but also personal preferences.

    @Josh. I don't think the risk that you may have to change work references when restructuring libraries is an argument against using work. This is also true for named references.

    @Russel. Using packages instead of direct instantiation still leaves you with the question what x in use x.uart_pkg.all; should be. You'll have fewer references though (at the expense of more code in the package).

    @Kevin. I agree that is more explicit but I don't think I've been in a situation where I know which foo that is compiled into mylib but I'm unaware of that the referring file is also part of mylib, i.e. I would have been confused by what foo in is referring to. I'm not saying it can't be like this just that I've never experienced it.

    By now you have probably guessed that I prefer using work. One reason is that I think modularity is good design and that implies avoiding dependencies. If I can avoid being dependent on the name of the library I'm compiled into I reduce the risk of code changes if library names need to be changed. I agree that library name problems are not very common if you use good descriptive names of your libraries but it still happens, at least to me:

    • Name collision with external libraries do happen and when they do it's much better if you can handle the situation without changing code. Especially if you decide to remove named references from their code. They may make new releases such that you have to do it all over again.
    • Sometimes there is no real collision but the external library is named with a non-established abbreviation and you want a more descriptive name. Sometimes that abbreviation collides with one of your own with a completely different meaning.
    • I even had my vunit library hijacked by VHDL 2008 when that standard made vunit a reserved word.

    There are also all the projects where your strategy doesn't really matter. For example, small projects where you do all the coding yourself and compile everything into a single library because it's simple. However, I would still use work since that takes away some library statements and makes things even more simple.