So I've got bunch of file in excel that has the measure of the electric current versus voltage with like 2000 points. The problem is, they're all saved in the column same box. It's suppose to be such that Column A has all the voltages and Column B all the currents. Right now, everything is saved in Column A both voltages and current.
I really don't want to separate 2000 points with 20 files of it hand by hand, is there a good way to separate them? The good news is, the points are separated by a space e.g. [1.001 2.002] with 1.001 being a voltage or 2.002 being a current or separated by a negative sign if there is one [-1.001-2.002] so I feel like a simple program can fix this up. I know how to code in C and matlab(also, the goal is to make it matlab readable) but what's the best way to resolve this if it could also be done maybe in excel macro?
Are you on a unix/linux?
Save the file as CSV.
Run this from the terminal.
$ sed -i .bak "s/ /,/g" my-file.csv
Your original file will be saved as my-file.bak. The my-file.csv will now be comma delimited instead of space delineated.
Open the CSV in excel.