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Angular radio button validation with an ng- repeat

I'm running into an interesting Angular validation issue. I need to make sure that radio buttons are selected (they might not have a default value when loaded). The values for the radio buttons are iterated over from an array using ng-repeat. This whole thing also happens inside another ng-repeat for a list of users.

The issue is that I have to set a unique/dynamic name attribute on each group of related radio buttons, otherwise selecting one will unselect others in a different row. The validation in based on the name attribute and I cannot seem to find a way to use this unique/dynamic name in the needed ng-class and ng-show expressions.

This is waht is not working: ng-show="userFormRow.service-{{$index}}.$invalid"

Here's a sample of the code in context:

<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
      <tr ng-repeat="u in users"
          <!-- THIS is having an issue determining the name of this form item since I need to generate a dynamic one here-->
          <div class="form-group"
               ng-class="{'has-error': userFormRow.service-{{$index}}.$invalid }">
            <label class="control-label center-block">Service</label>
            <div class="radio-inline" ng-repeat="o in serviceOptions">
                <!-- HERE is where I define the unique name attribute based on the index of the table repeater -->
                <input type="radio"
                       ng-required="!u.Service"> {{::o}}

            <!-- THIS is having an issue determining the name of this form item since I need to generate a dynamic one here-->
            <p class="help-block" ng-show="userFormRow.service-{{$index}}.$invalid">A service must be selected!</p>

And here is a full code example. Check the console for errors


  • You should use bracket notation to access variable object property:

    ng-show="userFormRow['service-' + $index].$invalid"

    and same with ngClass:

    ng-class="{'has-error': userFormRow['service-' + $index].$invalid }"
