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Hough Transformation OPENCV C++

Hi, i am going through the pdf tutorial in the link above.

I encounter problem on page 6 of the slides.

As we seee that the output of the code after inserting the canny edge detector, it should trace out all the edges on a photo.

I cannot get what is shown at page 6.

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    printf("Hello world\n");
// read an image
Mat imgInput = imread("a.png");
// create image window named "My Image"
namedWindow("My Image");

// Convert to gray if necessary
if (imgInput.channels() == 3)
    cv::cvtColor(imgInput, imgInput, CV_BGR2GRAY);

// Apply Canny edge detector
Mat imgContours;
double thresh = 105; // try different values to see effect
Canny(imgInput, imgContours, 0.4*thresh, thresh); // low, high threshold

// show the image on window
imshow("My Image", imgInput);
// wait for xx ms (0 means wait until keypress)
return 0;

And also, there is a line double thresh = xxx;//try different values What values should i put? and what are the values mean?

Thank you


  • Just replace your imshow function with ,

    imshow("My Image", imgContours);

    and you can use thresh value approximately around 200.

    Change threshold value and see effect of it and according to that you can select your threshold value.