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How to convert pixels to inch?

I need the "Width" to display in inches. I am currently trying to read a user's input text and measure it's width.

Please advise


//change text width based on text input
    $('#text').on('change', function() {            
    function getTextWidth(text, font) {
        var canvas = getTextWidth.canvas || 
            (getTextWidth.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"));
        var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
        context.font = font;
        var metrics = context.measureText(text);
        return metrics.width;

    //display text width to html
    .text("Width: " +
                 $("#prev").text()) + " px");


  • I don't know if there is a simple way to do that, but you can use the function below to get the computed style as any unit you want (usage is window.getUnits(el, 'width') and it will return an object that you can use the .inch property of it):

        // pass to string.replace for camel to hyphen
        var hyphenate = function(a, b, c){
            return b + "-" + c.toLowerCase();
        // get computed style property
        var getStyle = function(target, prop){
            if(window.getComputedStyle){ // gecko and webkit
                prop = prop.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, hyphenate);  // requires hyphenated, not camel
                return window.getComputedStyle(target, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
                return target.currentStyle[prop];
        // get object with units
        var getUnits = function(target, prop){
            var baseline = 100;  // any number serves 
            var item;  // generic iterator
            var map = {  // list of all units and their identifying string
                pixel : "px",
                percent : "%",
                inch: "in",
                cm : "cm",
                mm : "mm",
                point : "pt",
                pica : "pc",
                em : "em",
                ex : "ex"
            var factors = {};  // holds ratios
            var units = {};  // holds calculated values
            var value = getStyle(target, prop);  // get the computed style value
            var numeric = value.match(/\d+/);  // get the numeric component
            if(numeric === null) {  // if match returns null, throw error...  use === so 0 values are accepted
                throw "Invalid property value returned";
            numeric = numeric[0];  // get the string
            var unit = value.match(/\D+$/);  // get the existing unit
            unit = (unit == null) ? map.pixel : unit[0]; // if its not set, assume px - otherwise grab string
            var activeMap;  // a reference to the map key for the existing unit
            for(item in map){
                if(map[item] == unit){
                    activeMap = item;
            if(!activeMap) { // if existing unit isn't in the map, throw an error
                throw "Unit not found in map";
            var temp = document.createElement("div");  // create temporary element
   = "hidden";  // in case baseline is set too low
   = "hidden";  // no need to show it
            target.parentElement.appendChild(temp); // insert it into the parent for em and ex  
            for(item in map){  // set the style for each unit, then calculate it's relative value against the baseline
       = baseline + map[item];
                factors[item] = baseline / temp.offsetWidth;
            for(item in map){  // use the ratios figured in the above loop to determine converted values
                units[item] = numeric * (factors[item] * factors[activeMap]);
            target.parentElement.removeChild(temp);  // clean up
            return units;  // returns the object with converted unit values...
        // expose           
        window.getUnits = this.getUnits = getUnits;

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