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MySQL: Slow avg query for 411M rows

I have a simple table (created by django) - engine InnoDB:

| Field       | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id          | int(11)          | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| correlation | double           | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| gene1_id    | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| gene2_id    | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |

The table has more than 411 million rows. (The target table will have around 461M rows, 21471*21470 rows)

My main query looks like this, there might be up to 10 genes specified at most.

 SELECT gene1_id, AVG(correlation) AS avg FROM genescorrelation 
 WHERE gene2_id IN (176829, 176519, 176230) 

This query is very slow, it takes almost 2 mins to run:

21471 rows in set (1 min 11.03 sec)

Indexes (cardinality looks strange - too small?):

  Non_unique| Key_name                                         | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality |
          0 | PRIMARY                                          |            1 | id          | A         |   411512194 | 
          1 | c_gene1_id_6b1d81605661118_fk_genes_gene_entrez  |            1 | gene1_id    | A         |          18 |
          1 | c_gene2_id_2d0044eaa6fd8c0f_fk_genes_gene_entrez |            1 | gene2_id    | A         |          18 | 

I just run select count(*) on that table and it took 22 mins:

select count(*) from predictions_genescorrelation;

| count(*)  |
| 411512002 |
1 row in set (22 min 45.05 sec)

What could be wrong? I suspect that mysql configuration is not set up right.

During the import of data I experienced problem with space, so that might also affected the database, although I ran check table later - it took 2hours and stated OK.

Additionally - the cardinality of the indexes look strange. I have set up smaller database locally and there values are totally different (254945589,56528,17).

Should I redo indexes? What params should I check of MySQL? My tables are set up as InnoDB, would MyISAM make any difference?

Thanks, matali



    SELECT COUNT(*) queries are very slow without WHERE clause or without SELECT COUNT(id) ... USE INDEX (PRIMARY).

    to speedup this:

     SELECT gene1_id, AVG(correlation) AS avg FROM genescorrelation 
     WHERE gene2_id IN (176829, 176519, 176230) 
     GROUP BY gene1_id ORDER BY NULL

    you should have composite key on (gene2_id, gene1_id, correlation) in that order. try

    About index-cardinality: stats of Innodb tables are approximate, not accurate (sometimes insane). there even was (IS?) a bug-report

    Try to ANALIZE table and watch cardinality again