I want to catch both the single left click and the ctrl + left click in as2. I am using FlashDevelop and coded this (it works):
_mc._back.onRelease = function() :Void
var args:Array = new Array();
args.push((_root._xmouse - this._parent._posMiniMapX) * this._parent._ratio);
args.push((_root._ymouse - this._parent._posMiniMapY) * this._parent._ratio + this._parent._bpa / this._parent._ratio);
fscommand("MoveCameraMiniMap", args);
How can I handle the both event?
Thank you.
the approach that I've usually taken is to listen to keyboard events on the CTRL key then evaluate that onRelease to determine the correct action.
But you could simply check the key.isDown status within the onRelease
_mc._back.onRelease = function() :Void {
if(Key.isDown(17)) {
// do CTRL + mouse action
} else {
// do standard action