I am trying to get my hands on a C++ library called dislin using ubuntu 14.04. The test provided by the developers is simply:
cpplink -c exa_cpp
And it compiles correctly. I've also built another script that compiles using the cpplink command. But when I type:
man cpplink
I get:
No manual entry for cpplink
And I am not able to compile this library using my g++ compiler which I just started to understand. So I am thinking some info on cpplink would help. I tried google and normal search routes but it seems like the name is just too common for search engines.
cpplink is a bash script located at $DISLIN/bin. The script links the necessary libraries to the g++ precompiler in order to get the program running and compiled. For more information you should only type
Which outputs to:
/** C P P L I N K **/
/** **/
/** CPPLINK links C++ programs using DISLIN routines. **/
/** **/
/** Command: cpplink [option] main **/
/** **/
/** option is an optional parameter that can have one of **/
/** the following values: **/
/** -c for compiling programs before linking **/
/** -r for running programs after linking **/
/** -a for compiling, linking and running programs. **/
/** **/
/** main is the name of the main program or may be in the **/
/** form 'main obj lib' where obj is a field of **/
/** object files and lib a field of library files. **/
/** Several files must be separated by blanks. **/
/** A file 'main' will be created after linking. **/
/** **/
/** Example: cpplink -a test mylib.a **/