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Can I add a variable or a function in a mdDialog?

I want to add a variable or a function to my mdDialog. Im not to sure on how to create a custom mdDialog, Im new to angularjs.

This is my mdDialog:

vm.dialog_up = function() {
     vm.dis = true;
      alert = $mdDialog.alert()
        .title('Attention, ')
        .content('Do you want to edit your Information?')

          .show( alert )
          .finally(function() {
            alert = undefined;

I want to maybe add a function to the .ok button.


  • JavaScript is a very liberal language and it allows you to add properties and methods to objects. For example:

     var modal = {};
     modal.x = 5;//this assigns the value of `5` to the newly attached property `x`
     modal.testMethod = function() {
         //Do something here

    PS: Though personally, I think that modifying framework objects can cause side effects.