I'm running Openstack on a computer and want to provide a simple PaaS with it. (it's not a big project, I'm just doing it for learning)
I jus wanted to know the steps, the scenario, the approach, where should I start and what is the route.
I have server and client systems (nothing is virtual). Host OS is ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
I think you should look at Docker, Marathon and Mesos.
Basically, just basically:
With Docker:
Basically, you will have a Dockerfile that will configure your project
With Marathon:
You will deploy the Dockerfiles and scale as you want
With Mesos:
Mesos abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines (physical or virtual)
I had to do a PaaS platform and these guys helped me a lot. You should take a look. At the end, all you will need is a Dockerfile and the WAR/.egg file (and config files, if needed).