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iso-chart BarChart with rounded corners

Is there a setting in the BarChartView to enable rounded corners for the bars?

I want to achieve a similar effect to this other library iosbarchart enter image description here


  • i did a fork of ios-charts to roughly accomplish this:

    var yVals: [BarChartDataEntry] = []
                    var xVals: [String] = []
                    var dataCount = sections.count
                    for i in 0...(dataCount - 1) {
                        var dataObjectInstance = sections[i] as SomeCustomDataObject
                        var entry = BarChartDataEntry(value: dataObjectInstance.numeric!, xIndex: i)
                        entry.rounded = true //make the end caps round!
                        if let tintClr = dataObjectInstance.tint as String?{
                            if let clr = UIColor(hexString: tintClr) as UIColor?{
                                entry.tint = clr
                        var time = i % 12
                        if(time == 0) {
                            time = 12
                        if let objVal = dataObjectInstance.objectValue as String?{