I am using MOXy as JAXB provider along with Bean Validation.
I'm trying to validate a class where only parent fields are annotated with constraints.
I can see that MOXy is skipping validation for this class, probably it is not looking into the parent class.
Can you advise on how to overcome this?
I found a quick workaround. It is about creating dummy constraints which will always pass. Then you can put it on any class. and MOXy will turn on validation.
Dummy constraints:
@Target( {ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR})
@Constraint(validatedBy = PutItWhenYouDoNotHaveConstraintsButParentHas.Validator.class)
public @interface PutItWhenYouDoNotHaveConstraintsButParentHas {
String message() default "{com.mycompany.constraints.checkcase}";
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
public static class Validator implements ConstraintValidator<PutItWhenYouDoNotHaveConstraintsButParentHas, Object>{
public void initialize(PutItWhenYouDoNotHaveConstraintsButParentHas constraintAnnotation) {
public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return true;
Example usage:
public class IdoNotHaveConstraints extends ButMyParentHas{
public IdoNotHaveConstraints (){