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Calling MySQL stored procedure in ROR 4

There are few example out there but non of them are very clarified (or on old version).

I want to call MySQL procedure and check the return status (in rails 4.2). The most common method I saw is to call result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("call example_proc()"), but in some places people wrote there is prepared method result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute_procedure("Stored Procedure Name", arg1, arg2) (however it didn't compiled).

So what is the correct way to call and get the status for MySQL procedure?


And how to send parameters safly, where the first parameter is integer, second string and third boolean?


  • Rails 4 ActiveRecord::Base doesn't support execute_procedure method, though result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection still works. ie

    result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("call example_proc('#{arg1}','#{arg2}')")