I would like to create a breadcrumb based on Razor on Sitecore 8 MVC. I created a page template with some property that would be use for it. View rendering was created and added to layout item (page). I have created a cshtml file for this rendering with while loop
var parentItem = Html.Sitecore().CurrentItem;
while (parentItem != null)
if (parentItem["Include in breadcrumb"] != "0")
<li>@parentItem["Short Title"]</li>
parentItem = parentItem.Parent;
But it is looks not very optimal for me, I would like to use Glass Mapper for it
I created a class with ancestor access
public class Breadcrumb
[SitecoreQuery("ancestor-or-self::*[@#Include in breadcrumb#='1']", IsRelative = true)]
public virtual IEnumerable<Breadcrumb> Ancestors { get; set; }
[SitecoreField(FieldName = "Include in breadcrumb")]
public virtual bool IncludeIn { get; set; }
[SitecoreField(FieldName = "Short Title")]
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
but I don't know how to 'say' to sitecore use it for my View rendering. I don't have any specific controller for page.
Is it possible to use some how glass mapper with View rendering ?
This usually is done via inherits directive at the top of your view:
@using Glass.Mapper.Sc.Web.Mvc
@inherits GlassView<Breadcrumb>
Then on page you may use your model as normal; if, for a case, you want to have your title Page Editor friendly - then you may use the following construction to access your model properties: