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Is there something wrong with the local class defined withn a constructor body

I have the following enum:

enum FilterFactory {


    private final Map<FilterType, Creator> creators;

    private FilterFactory() {
        creators = new HashMap<>();

        class SimplCreator implements FilterCreator{
            public FilterDTO createDto() {
                return new FilterDTO();
        } //Local class within the constructor

        creators.put(FilterType.DATE, new FilterCreator(){
            public FilterDTO createDto() {
                return new DynamicDTO();

        creators.put(FilterType.DROP_DOWN_LIST, new SimplCreator());
        creators.put(FilterType.FIELD, new SimplCreator());

    private static interface Creator{
        public FilterDTO createDto();
    //Other staff

The thing is I've never used the local classes within constructors bodies. Can it cause some bugs, is it bad to do so? Also, the constructor enu's constructor.


  • Your approach is fine, but in Java 8 you can make it a bit nicer using method references or lambdas (and replacing your Creator with the more standard Supplier<FilterDTO>):

    import java.util.function.Supplier;
    enum FilterFactory {
        private final Map<FilterType, Supplier<FilterDTO>> creators;
        private FilterFactory() {
            creators = new EnumMap<>(FilterType.class); // a bit more efficient :)
            creators.put(FilterType.DATE, DynamicDTO::new);
            creators.put(FilterType.DROP_DOWN_LIST, SimpleDTO::new);
            creators.put(FilterType.FIELD, SimpleDTO::new);
        // other stuff ... 

    Here I've used the constructor's method reference to instantiate the Supplier<FilterDTO>. I could have just as well used a lambda expression that says "given nothing, give me a FilterDTO":

    creators.put(FilterType.DATE, () -> new DynamicDTO());

    The two variants (method reference vs lamdbas) are basically equivalent, and you should use whichever is clearer to you (citation: Java's language architect himself). I personally find the method reference visually clearer, though it does take a bit of getting used to.