For an assignment we are applying what is said in the title. i have written all the code out, but when I am compiling the code i get four errors dealing with the line 19 of code.
while(!myQueue<String>.isEmpty() & !myStack.isEmpty()){
this is the full code if it also helps
import java.util.*;
public class Palindrome{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
String userInputConversion;
String userInput;
MyStack myStack = new MyStack();
MyQueue<String> myQueue = new MyQueue<String>();
System.out.println("Enter in a possible Palindrome. ");
userInputConversion =;
userInput = userInputConversion.toLowerCase();
String s = new String();
for(int i = 0; i < userInput.length(); i++){
s = "" + userInput.charAt(i);
while(!myQueue<String>.isEmpty() & !myStack.isEmpty()){
String deQueued = myQueue.dequeue();
String popped = myStack.pop();
if(deQueued == popped)
System.out.println("Input is a palindrome. ");
System.out.println("input isnt a palindrome. ");
class MyStack{
private String[] stack;
private int top;
public MyStack(){
stack = new String [100];
top = 0;
public String push(String pushP){
if(top >= stack.length){
System.out.println("Error: MyStack.push(): stack overflow");
return "yes";
stack[top] = pushP;
public String pop(){
if(top <= 0){
System.out.print("Error in MyStack.pop(): stack empty");
return "n";
return stack[top];
public boolean isEmpty(){
if(top == 0){
return true;
return false;
class MyQueue<String> implements Iterable<String> {
private String[] queue;
private int front = 0;
private int rear = 0;
private int currentSize = 0;
public MyQueue(){
queue = (String[])(new Object[1]);
front = 0;
rear = 0;
currentSize = 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (currentSize == 0);
public int currentSize() {
return currentSize;
public void enqueue(String String) {
if (currentSize == queue.length - 1) {
resize(2 * queue.length);
queue[rear++] = String;
if (rear == queue.length) {
rear = 0;
public String dequeue() {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to dequeue an empty queue");
else {
String itemToReturn = queue[front];
queue[front++] = null;
if (front == queue.length) {
front = 0;
if (currentSize == queue.length / 4) {
resize(queue.length / 2);
return itemToReturn;
private void resize(int capacity) {
String[] newArray = (String[]) new Object[capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++) {
newArray[i] = queue[(front + i) % queue.length];
queue = newArray;
front = 0;
rear = currentSize;
if anyone can help that would be great or give some pointers.
For your 2nd compilation error, The type MyQueue<String> must implement the inherited abstract method Iterable<String>.iterator()
, you can either
public Iterator<String> iterator()
method implements Iterable<String>
Making MyQueue abstract
won't help you much & I also don't see any place in the code where you need an iterator
or make use of the fact that MyQueue
is Iterable
. Being a queue, you would want to use its signature methods - enqueue
& dequeue
. So, you can safely go for option 2. Else to implement, this answer should help.
You also haven't implemented the concept of type arguments perfectly. You would want to use a Type Parameter
in the class definition; e.g. class MyQueue<String>
becomes class MyQueue<T>
. Likewise the member variables & methods would also change.
You 3rd compilation error, This method must return a result of type String
is simply because your push()
method doesn't have a return
statement at the end. It's better to simply make it void
, since you're not using the returned String "yes"
anywhere. For StackOverflow
, you can throw an RuntimeException
, just like you did in your dequeue
Few pointers
instead of .equals()
in the statement if (deQueued == popped)
.You have a little logical error in your while loop
that compares the characters - I'll let you figure that one out.