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How to filter out my logcat in android studio?

In Android Studio I connected my device and I can see the outputs of every single running application but i want to see the logs form only one application, I went to the filter and put in "anrdoid.kik" which is was the process is called but no logs showed up. I then went to the search bar and wrote the same thing, some logs showed up but it wasn't live no other logs were being shown live. I checked the name of the process by enabling "show processes " in my developer menu on my android but so far nothing seems to work any solutions? Using the search bar to filter by kik works but i also wish to check the network logs too and I dont think using only the keyword kik doesn't exactly work.


  • When you open Android Device Monitor, on the side with Saved Filtersyou click on + and add your application by Application Name. Also note that applications in release version (applications downloaded from play store) will not show up, because they don't have debugging messages allowed - not even in alpha release.

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