Is here anybody able to help me with ui-router? I don't understand the behavior of URL constructing by ui-route in the nested views. Look at the code bellow. There are thee nested views. If I click [Courses], I see http://localhost:8080/#/courses URL. That’s correct. But if I click [Course #1] next after that, the URL becomes http://localhost:8080/# . Where is the rest of URL? However, If I click [Lessons] then, URL becomes as it was expected - http://localhost:8080/#/courses/1/lessons So, what’s wrong with the middle state?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Trial app</title>
<!-- inject:css -->
<!-- endinject -->
<!-- bower:css-->
<!-- endbower-->
<h1>Trial App</h1>
<a ui-sref="courses">[Courses]</a>
<!-- bower:js-->
<script src="lib/bower/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="lib/bower/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js"></script>
<!-- endbower-->
<!-- inject:js -->
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<!-- endinject -->
'use strict';
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router']);
myApp.controller('CoursesListCtrl', function ($log, $state, $scope) {
$scope.selectCourse = function (courseId) {
$state.go('courses.course', {courseId: courseId});
myApp.controller('CourseCtrl', function ($log, $state, $scope) {
$scope.courseId = $state.params.courseId;
myApp.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('courses', {
url: '/courses',
template: '<h2>Courses</h2>' +
'<a href="#" ng-click="selectCourse(1)">[Course #1]</a><br>' +
controller: 'CoursesListCtrl'
.state('courses.course', {
url: '/{courseId}',
template: '<h3>Course #{{courseId}}</h3>' +
'<a ui-sref="courses.course.lessons">[Lessons]</a><br>' +
controller: 'CourseCtrl'
.state('courses.course.lessons', {
url: '/lessons',
template: '<h3>Lessons</h3>'
Your first template should be anchor has href='#'
it should be change, you could use ui-sref
to create a href
<a ui-sref="courses.course({courseId: 1})">[Course #1]</a><br>
Above ui-sref
will create and dynamic url that could have href="#/courses/1"