I could see there are two ways to index a database records in GSA.
As per my understanding, Content Sources > Databases does not support automatic recrawl. We have to manually sync after any changes occured in DB records. Is that correct?
Also, Would using DB connectors help in automatic recrawl? I would like to check DB in every 15 minutes for the changes and update the index accordingly. Please suggest the viable apporach to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
The Content Sources > Databases approach is good for data that doesn't change often where a manual sync is acceptable. That said though, it's easy enough to write a simple client that logs in to the admin console and hits the 'Sync' link periodically.
However, if you want frequent updates like every 15m I'd definitely go with the 4.x plexi-based adaptor, not because it's newer but because it's better. Older versions of the 3.x connector were a bit flaky (although the most recent versions are much better).
What flavour DB are you looking to index?