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How Do I Increment and Display Variable Counter Using Meteor Template Helper?

I got a itemInCollection = new Meteor.Collection('stuff') collection and I use itemInCollection.find() to get all the items in it. Now I iterate over the resulting cursor to show the name attribute in the template.

  <h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>
  {{> hello}}

<template name="hello">
  <button>Click Me</button>
  {{#each item}}
     {{counter}} : {{name}}

Now I just want to represent a number in front of the name, like e.g.

 1. John
 2. Doe
 3. Darling

How can the counter be realized in the helper function? I tried the following:

  'item': function() {
    return itemInCollection.find();
 'counter': function() {
   var counter = PrimerList.find().count(),
      arr = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
      arr.push( i + 1 );
    return arr;

and in the template i wrote this:

  {{#each item}}
      {{#each counter}} {{this}} {{/each}} : {{name}}

but that gave me like:

1 2 3 John
1 2 3 Doe
1 2 3 Darling


  • Here is how you can do that:

        'item': function() {
            return itemInCollection.find().map(function(document, index) {
                document.index = index + 1;
                return document;

    <template name="hello">
      <button>Click Me</button>
      {{#each item}}
         {{index}} : {{name}}