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Trying to Create a Crystal Report that shows members in/out during a shift

I am on a 64 bit windows 7 pro machine using Crystal Report 13 sp 5. I am pulling from an Oracle database.

I am trying to create a spread sheet like report that shows by day the number of members who signed in and the number of members who signed out for a date range during a shift span.

Example, 4 columns: DATE DAY IN OUT (Jan 1, 2015 Monday 25 15).

So I thought I would create a sub-report for each of the two shifts Day 06:00 to 17:59 and Night 18:00 05:59 and use a cross tab object to sum the number of members who signed in and a second cross tab object for the number of members who singed out during that day and that shift.

So, at this point I have the Day Shift sub -report lay out with a title at the top saying DAY SHIFT 06:00 - 17:59 then two cross tab objects in the footer, one for signed in and one for signed out each with two columns one formatted to show the date as Jan xx, Fri and the second column shows the sum of members who signed in/out. I don't have the selection criteria yet.

This whole report is date range driven. Example: Manager runs report for month of July to see each day broken out by signed in signed out for day shift and right next to it on the same page with no more than one month per page the same two cross tab object but in a sub report for night shift.

This report only uses one table so it should be easy! But I can't figure out how to have a client enter the date range that drives two sub reports to pull and sum the memTable.signedIN data and the memTable.signedOUT for that date range with the return data displayed per day and date, during a specific time frame.

I am certainly in a pickle, any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Create dynamic parameters so that date is picked from databse.

    Now in sub report also create same paraneters... and link those parameters using sub report links which will ensure data is passed to sub reports