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How to harness (JAAS) programmatically?

I know how to from-login on a javaee web application and to protect URI resource from non-authenticated users. Works.

Now, I thought about using all the Java EE security structure that is already there, simply because I want to avoid to duplicate code and make it worse. I want to avoid to create @Entity beans that are already available. Thus I want to secure my EJBs, Backing Bean, CDI beans and URI Resource. All with the same concept. i.e. I need:

  • Role --> javax.managagement.relation.Role
  • Group -->
  • User -->

At max, I want to extend existing implementation and use a more specific implementation. E.g. User --> User with firstname, lastname, etc.

Is there already an interface User in the Java EE security or even an implementation?

Also, if a user is identified with a form-based login, can I check the user's permission also in an EJB (e.g. @Stateless)? E.g. with @RolesAllowed("admin"). Rephrasing: Does the login status prevail also for the EJB context and not only in the web context? (I mean, it's the same container, it should, right?)


  • There is class (e.g. javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal). It has getName method. You should create custom login module for your application server if you want extend Principal object with new fields.