I used this code for assign and autoincrement starting from 1 (Serial No.). But actually don't know how it works and what are it's benefits.
select cast((@cnt := @cnt + 1) as char(10)) as sno, temp1.*
)temp1, (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy
select cast((@cnt := @cnt + 1) as char(10)) as sno, temp1.*
)temp1, (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy
Is the same as:
select cast((@cnt := @cnt + 1) as char(10)) as sno, temp1.*
CROSS JOIN (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy
& please note that the FROM CLAUSE is performed BEFORE the SELECT
So what happens is that a virtual column as a placeholder for @cnt is added to each row of the other table(s). Then in the select clause, @cnt is incremented by 1 for each row in the resultset.
MySQL 5.6 Schema Setup:
(`id` int, `productName` varchar(7), `description` varchar(55))
(`id`, `productName`, `description`)
(11, 'OpenIDM', 'Platform for building enterprise provisioning solutions'),
(322, 'OpenAM', 'Full-featured access management'),
(4763, 'OpenDJ', 'Robust LDAP server for Java')
Query 1:
select *
from temp1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy
| id | productName | description | @cnt := 0 |
| 11 | OpenIDM | Platform for building enterprise provisioning solutions | 0 |
| 322 | OpenAM | Full-featured access management | 0 |
| 4763 | OpenDJ | Robust LDAP server for Java | 0 |
Query 2:
select cast((@cnt := @cnt + 1) as char(10)) as sno, temp1.*
from temp1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy
| sno | id | productName | description |
| 1 | 11 | OpenIDM | Platform for building enterprise provisioning solutions |
| 2 | 322 | OpenAM | Full-featured access management |
| 3 | 4763 | OpenDJ | Robust LDAP server for Java |